
KC Chiefs: The Rival Players Who Annoyed Us The Most

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Oakland Raiders wide receiver Tim Brown (L) AFP PHOTO/John G. Mabanglo (Photo credit should read JOHN G. MABANGLO/AFP/Getty Images)

NUMBER 3: Tim Brown – Raiders

You wanna talk about a guy who used to kill the Chiefs, Tim Brown would get under my skin every time the two teams would play.

Nicknamed “Mr. Raider”, Brown spent 16 prolific seasons in Oakland, wreaking havoc on the Chiefs along the way. The play I remember most from Brown was his 88 yard touchdown return against the Chiefs in the 2001 season. After returning the punt, he became the oldest player in NFL history to return a punt for a touchdown.. What?

Of course he had to do it on the Chiefs as well.

Tim Brown was one of the greatest Raiders of all time and was EXTREMELY annoying for the Chiefs the entire 16 seasons he was there. Brown makes the countdown at number 3.