Survivor Kaoh Rong: 3 Key Scot Pollard Moments in Week 6

(Photo by Monty Brinton/CBS via Getty Images)
(Photo by Monty Brinton/CBS via Getty Images)

The sixth episode of Survivor Kaoh Rong aired on Wednesday night, and former KU basketball and NBA star Scot Pollard survived the vote once again.

Scot Pollard has now been to five of six tribal councils and continues to thrive on Survivor Kaoh Rong. He continues to make bold moves and really turn heads, and this episode was no exception.

This week saw divides occurring between the former brains tribe, as Peter wanted to get Joe and Aubry out as soon as possible. After the team won a food reward (more on that later), Julia, who had previously been exiled, joined the tribe and Peter instantly took her aside to tell her of his plan to oust Joe.

Peter seemed to have everyone on board, including Scot, but after Joe cornered him and seemed to know of his plan, Peter backed down. Gondol lost the immunity challenge again, and Peter later revealed to Scot that he was just going to stick with his original alliance.

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Scot made it clear that he didn’t trust Peter, and wanted to do what he could to get him out. Scot survived the vote, but what else went down in this episode? Let’s check out Scot Pollard’s three key moments.

Key Moment #1: Winning the reward challenge

Scot pretty much singlehandedly won reward for the Gondol tribe, which was a much needed food reward. The challenge was right up Scot’s alley, as it was shooting buoys into a basket.

Scot went up against Nick of the Chan Lo tribe, and despite Nick’s cockiness, Scot took him down. His straight shooting got the tribe a much needed win and got the tribe’s spirits up. It also introduced Julia to a winning tribe, even if just for a day or two.

Key Moment #2: Aligning with Julia

Scot already had a solid alliance member in Tai (who has the hidden immunity idol), but he upped his game by adding Julia to the fold. The group of three knew if they sat back and let the brain tribe vote one of them out, that it’d be Survivor suicide.

Tai and Julia told Aubry about Peter’s plan to oust her, and basically it came down to if she’d flip or not, because they knew Joe wouldn’t. Had Scot just gone with the flow and voted Julia out, he’d be down in the numbers game, He played the smart game by aligning with Julia, but what he did next sealed the deal…

Key Moment #3: “Original plan”

While Jeff Probst was asking Joe and Peter questions at tribal council, Tai and Scot were whispering about the vote. Tai asked who they were voting for and Scot said, “Original plan.” This then prompted Aubry to ask him what was going down, to which he repeated “Original plan”, and finally, after Jeff outed everyone for whispering, Scot turned and said, “Julia… Original plan.”

This turned heads and put the brains tribe on edge (except for Aubry, who knew what the original plan was), and made for an exciting tribal council.

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This move very well might have gotten Aubry to turn though, as she voted for Julia, but then crossed it out and wrote Peter’s name down. It was the fourth vote for Peter, and the deciding vote. Peter went home four votes to two.

The merge is happening next week, and Scot Pollard looks to be making a big name for himself in the game of Survivor.

Scot now has bonds with current tribe mates Julia and Tai, and has former ties with Cydney and Jason. If he can retain the latter two, Scot will become a powerful player in Survivor Kaoh Rong. At this point, it looks like a sure thing that he’ll make the jury too.

Next: Key Moments From Last Week

It’s been fun watching Scot Pollard on Survivor, and as long as he keeps on going, these key moments will keep being written.