Survivor Kaoh Rong: 3 Key Scot Pollard Moments in Week 4

Kyle Jason and Scot Pollard during the new season of SURVIVOR KAOH: RONG -- Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. (Photo by Monty Brinton/CBS via Getty Images)
Kyle Jason and Scot Pollard during the new season of SURVIVOR KAOH: RONG -- Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. (Photo by Monty Brinton/CBS via Getty Images)

The fourth episode of Survivor Kaoh Rong was a crazy one, but former KU basketball stud Scot Pollard is still going strong.

Scot Pollard lives to see another day on Survivor even though his brawn tribe lost yet another immunity challenge. While the team was able to muster up a win last week, this week they put on a pathetic showing, and it proves even more that keeping Alecia for not one vote, but TWO votes, was a huge mistake.

The bigger storyline of the episode was not about the brawn tribe sucking though. The bigger storyline came after the reward challenge.

At one point, three contestants were on the ground battling against heat stroke and the other conditions that Survivor Kaoh Rong had to offer. Scot’s teammate Cydney was one of the three players to struggle after the challenge, but she was able to stay in the game.

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The same cannot be said for the beauty tribe’s Caleb, who was medically evacuated after the challenge. It was a very scary moment for anyone watching the episode, but fortunately, Caleb is okay and hopefully can come back and play in a future season.

Back to Scot Pollard, however, his tribe lost yet another immunity challenge, which sent them to their third tribal council in only four episodes. Scot and Jason were clearly fed up with Alecia, and they finally were able to send her home.

Here were Scot Pollard’s three key moments from episode four of Survivor Kaoh Rong.

Key Moment #1: Bickering with Alecia at the reward challenge

It’s no secret that the brawn tribe has a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with Alecia. At the reward challenge, Alecia was standing around in the circle kicking sand and telling the rest of her tribe to keep trying. Scot snipped back at her that he found two bags already and asked how many she had found.

This then led to the tribe arguing in the middle of a challenge, which isn’t a good look. It also led to the second key moment.

Key Moment #2: Bickering with Alecia after the reward challenge

After the challenge was over with and the brawn tribe was back at camp, Alecia confronted Scot. She basically told him that just because he’s an experienced NBA player doesn’t mean he can be rude to her when she’s trying to give the team a pep talk.

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This went back and forth for awhile, with Jason even jumping in to attack Alecia. Eventually it just seemed settled that if the brawn tribe lost the next challenge, Alecia was gone.

Key Moment #3: Finally voting out Alecia

It’s kind of funny that all of Scot’s key moments involve Alecia, but she was a big part of the show. The fact that she was the odd one out of the brawn tribe from the get-go yet somehow survived TWO tribal councils is pretty hilarious.

Scot may have finally gotten rid of Alecia, but according to next week’s previews, the three tribes will be shaking things up and switching teams. More than likely, it’ll go from three tribes to two tribes, which will be interesting to see how Scot fares.

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The more important thing to remember with Scot is that Jason is the one who has the idol. If these two are split up next week, Scot could be in deep trouble.