
KC Chiefs should play Patriots on Sunday Night Football to kick off 2019

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes (John Sleezer/Kansas City Star/TNS via Getty Images)
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes (John Sleezer/Kansas City Star/TNS via Getty Images) /

The NFL announced that the season opener, usually held at the reigning Super Bowl champion’s stadium, will be Chicago vs Green Bay. Does this open things up for KC Chiefs to play the Patriots on that Sunday night of opening weekend?

NFL fans are used to the Thursday night season opener being whichever team won the Super Bowl hosting a formidable opponent. We saw that in 2017 when the Patriots hosted the Kansas City Chiefs. This year, however, the NFL is shaking it up a bit.

In honor of 2019 being the 100th season of the National Football League, it won’t be the Patriots kicking things off at Gillette Stadium. This season will be slightly different.

The NFL is choosing to have the Green Bay Packers open up the 2019 season at Lambeau Field, one of the most historic NFL stadiums, and they’ll be hosting their NFC North rival Chicago Bears. With the Packers having one of the best quarterbacks in the game and the Bears making the playoffs last year, this is a great game to kick off another year of football.

With this announcement came another one, which was that the Patriots would still get to host a big game on opening weekend. They get the distinguished honor of opening their season up on Sunday Night Football.

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The last time the Patriots won the title, they ended up hosting the KC Chiefs and we all remember how awesome that game was. Not only did the Chiefs win it, but they blew out the Patriots on their banner night. It was spectacular.

One would have to think the Chiefs would be in strong consideration to play in that Sunday night game, as the last three Chiefs/Patriots games have been a blast. It’d also be a rematch of the AFC Championship Game from a season ago, one in which the Patriots won in overtime.

While the Kansas City Chiefs seem like the easy choice here, it wouldn’t be surprising whatsoever if the league went a different route. They could decide to have it be a match-up of national followings and have the Dallas Cowboys play in Gillette on that opening Sunday night game. Or if you really want to get wild, put the freaking Cleveland Browns on that night since everyone seems to think they’re going to win the Super Bowl (kidding, of course).

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The Kansas City Chiefs are the best choice to play the Patriots on Sunday Night Football in week one. Their last three battles have been a blast and Patrick Mahomes is the reigning league MVP. What more could fans ask for?

Let’s make it happen, NFL.