
Mizzou Football: Patience wearing thin with Barry Odom

Barry Odom, head coach of Mizzou football (Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images)
Barry Odom, head coach of Mizzou football (Photo by Ed Zurga/Getty Images) /

Mizzou football got blown out this past weekend at the hands of Auburn by a score of 51-14. Missouri fans have had just about enough of Barry Odom being the head coach of this program.

The Missouri Tigers used to have a solid football program. When they first moved to the SEC, things were a bit rocky, but Gary Pinkel quickly turned that around, as this program went on to win the SEC East in back to back seasons.

Since then, however, it’s been a rough go of it for Mizzou. The team went 5-7 in Pinkel’s final year as head coach and Barry Odom took over the program, which at the time, seemed to be “the easy hire”.

Odom has proven that he has no business being the head coach of this team. Last year, the Tigers won four games and this year, they only have one win so far. Not only has MU only won one game, but they’ve lost miserably in their three losses to this point. It’s one thing to lose, it’s another to be completely embarrassed, especially at home.

Even in Mizzou’s lone victory this season (which came against Missouri State in week one), they gave up over 40 points and it was a close game through the first half. Odom was supposed to make this a scary team that looked like it belonged in the SEC, but it doesn’t look the part at all.

Odom made headlines on Saturday evening when after his team got destroyed by Auburn, he promised everyone he was going to win in Columbia.

When reading/hearing those comments from Odom, what I gathered from it (and what a lot of Missouri fans gathered) was that he was questioning the talent level he had to work with. For a head coach to be putting that out there, that’s stupid. Missouri has PLENTY of talent, but the coaching clearly isn’t there and Odom deserves to be on the hot seat after these boneheaded comments.

Missouri fans have already given up on this season, but what about the future? Barry Odom isn’t the answer for this football program and it’s time to look in a new direction. This Tigers team has some really good players, but fans haven’t been able to see it yet because coaching is holding them back.

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All in all, this has been a disastrous start to the 2017 season. You know it’s bad when fans are clamoring for basketball season, in which the team went 8-23 on the regular season last year before firing their head coach. I know things are supposed to be better this year, but still.

I’ll be shocked if Barry Odom is still the head coach of the Missouri Tigers when 2018 rolls around. Hell, I’ll be shocked if he’s still there in a month if the team continues to play this poorly.

Mizzou football has two weeks to prepare for their game against Kentucky in Lexington on October 7th and then will play at Georgia. Those could result in two more losses for the Tigers before they get a few non-conference opponents. The last four games of the year are against Florida, Tennessee, and then on the road against Vanderbilt and Arkansas.

Missouri will be lucky to get more than four wins this season, and even if they do, it won’t be because of Barry Odom’s coaching.