
Trade Rumors: Andrew Wiggins For Kevin Love Is A “Done Deal”


Any hopes of former Kansas Jayhawks basketball superstar, Andrew Wiggins, playing with LeBron James in Cleveland is all but lost. According to multiple reports, including ESPN’s Brian Windhorst, who stated that a “handshake deal” is in place to move Wiggins to Minnesota for All-Star forward, Kevin Love.

"“The deal is done but not done,” Windhorst said. “The teams have agreed but can’t say they’ve agreed because we’re in this weird moratorium period. Between now and then could a team come in with a trade that Minnesota doesn’t see? Yes, so it’s not done. But there is this handshake agreement.”"

The “handshake agreement” is the only thing that can get done at this point, seeing that Wiggins cannot be traded until August 24th because of league rules on rookie contracts.

The Cavs inked Wiggins to a 4 year contract back on July 24th, likely with the intentions of him being traded. Windhorst also indicated that there is a third team involved in the blockbuster deal with Wiggins going to Minnesota, Anthony Bennet (former no. 1 pick) headed to Philadelphia and forward Thadeus Young also headed to the T-Wolves.

While Kevin Love has been mute on the whole situation, ESPN recently spoke with Wiggins about the uncertainty of his future.

"“I just want to play for a team that wants me. So whichever team wants me I’ll play for.” Wiggins was then asked if he’s taking all these talks of him being traded “Personal,” Wiggins replied with,  “At the end of the day you have to remember that the NBA is a business before anything. I’m a rookie. I really don’t have too much say,” he said."

Most reports indicate that this deal isn’t a matter of “if” anymore but rather a matter of “when.” LeBron wants to be paired up with players who are already established, which makes sense as to why he would want the three time all star, Kevin Love right beside him in a quest to bring a championship to Cleveland.

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On the other side of this, the T-Wolves are making off fat, in my opinion. Love made it clear he wasn’t going to return to Minnesota after 2014, so trading him was the only option they had other than losing him for nothing. If the parameters of the trade stated above are true, Thadeus Young and Andrew Wiggins paired together could make for one of the best up-and-coming teams in the NBA.

While most of the fans back home in KC were hoping to see Andrew Wiggins in the biggest spotlight next to LeBron James, it seems this scenario could work out great for all sides involved. We’ll make sure to keep you up-to-date on all the latest Andrew Wiggins trade news, as things could change between now and the 24th.