
Chiefs' 6 Biggest Priorities After 2024 Minicamp

What are the biggest priorities for the Super Bowl champs after minicamp?
Kansas City Chiefs
Kansas City Chiefs / Jamie Squire/GettyImages
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The Kansas City Chiefs are in the midst of a dynasty, but they're also in the midst of a pretty controversial and distraction-filled offseason. For this team to do what no other NFL team has done before -- win three Super Bowls in a row -- they are going to have to reset in a number of areas as well as bring along young players quickly.

With the key pieces in place, there's no doubt that the Chiefs can probably be penciled in for the NFL's version of the final four in January. But what questions does this team have following 2024 minicamp? What should be the Chiefs' priorities with training camp on the horizon?

Let's take a look at a handful of really important things this team needs to prioritize.

1. Eliminate the distractions

For starters, the Chiefs need to eliminate the distractions. If the focus is going to be all about football, then it's got to be all about football. Why is defensive lineman Isaiah Buggs still on the Chiefs' roster? The former Alabama star has been arrested multiple times in a matter of weeks, and both for horrible reasons.

Animal cruelty? Domestic violence? Burglary?

The Chiefs need to have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of stuff. There's merit to letting the legal process play out in certain situations but Buggs has done nothing to help this Chiefs team. He's on the roster via a reserve/futures contract. The Chiefs need to move on and set a precedent here that the focus will solely be on football, or you're not going to be part of this team.