Refuting Colin Cowherd’s list of why KC Chiefs won’t win five more titles

Reasons Cowherd doesn’t believe in KC Chiefs: Number 2 – Lamar Jackson
Here is what Cowherd had to say about the Ravens and Lamar Jackson,
"“They got a good owner, they got a great quarterback, they got a good front office, they got a great coach. Lamar Jackson is going to be a problem for everybody in the AFC for the next decade.”"
All those things he listed off about the Ravens organization is absolutely true, and you know what else is true?
Last I checked, the Chiefs check all those boxes as well, and they just took the necessary steps to make sure that their quarterback is going to be a problem for the AFC for the next decade.
If you are reading my current piece right now, then you probably read my piece on Lamar Jackson, but apparently Colin Cowherd has not read it.
Listen, I am throwing no shade at Jackson or the Ravens. They are a great team and he is a great quarterback and he will offer a great challenge for the AFC, but c’mon, he isn’t Pat Mahomes.
We have been over this, but I will rehash.
Jackson is a great quarterback, when he is playing from ahead in the regular season, but you put Jackson behind in a game, especially in the playoffs and he chokes. This is something that time and experience will break him of, but until then he will always come in second place to Mahomes.
He has faced Mahomes twice so far and he is 0-2. He might even manage to beat Mahomes in the regular season and take a W back to Baltimore, but until he can beat Mahomes when it counts, he is not a threat to the Chiefs and he has yet to prove he can do that.
If he can’t beat Philip Rivers in the playoffs, and he can’t beat Ryan Tannahill in the playoffs, he isn’t beating Mahomes and the Chiefs in the playoffs. He might become a problem in the coming decade as Cowherd states, but until he gets over that playoff hump, he isn’t a problem yet.