KC Royals: Stadium near Legends could be better option than downtown

(Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)
(Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)
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General view of the ball park from the upper level as Kansas City Royals play against the New York Yankees (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)
General view of the ball park from the upper level as Kansas City Royals play against the New York Yankees (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

For all the talk of the KC Royals building a new stadium downtown, perhaps opting for the Legends on the Kansas side provides a better destination for the stadium.

There is considerable discussion on the location of the next baseball stadium when the time comes for the Kansas City Royals with numerous fans clamoring for a downtown ballpark.

With a trend of ballparks moving toward downtown, a movement set in motion when they built Camden Yards appears to have led to the discussion of if the Royals themselves should build a ballpark downtown.

Perhaps a different option, in the event the KC Royals build a new stadium, is a more ideal location that can serve the sides clamoring for a downtown experience while providing options for parking for others. Maybe the Legends area would serve both and could provide a new destination for a ballpark.

Downtown ballparks, while nice, require a few things that Kansas City currently doesn’t have.

Arguably the biggest issue is transportation.

For all the good things Kansas City has done in redeveloping their own downtown, what they lack is reliable public transportation. The hassle and ado that was made simply to put in a street car that ran a few blocks, one can only imagine the hassle required to allow for transportation down to the ballpark.

The Legends is located off a major highway (yes, similar to the Royals current location), which would allow fans from all parts of the city access to the ballpark. Fans coming from outside the region would have fast and reliable access to the ballpark.