The Kansas City Chiefs have had 54 first round picks in their franchise’s history. KC Kingdom decided to rank all 54 of those first round selections.
The 2019 NFL Draft is taking place in a few days and this is always the time when we look back on past drafts. In particular, we like to focus on the first round selections and how they did with the organization who drafted them. The Kansas City Chiefs have had 54 first round picks and KC Kingdom, being the crazy bunch that we are, decided to rank all 54 of them!
The rankings were compiled by site expert Leigh Oleszczak as well as staff contributors Amber Dieringer, Cullen Jekel, and John McCarty. The four of us all ranked the picks and we then put our lists together to figure out a final ranking system. We also split up the player blurbs amongst ourselves. For ones without a person’s name next to them, that means Leigh wrote the blurb.
Since some of these players didn’t do much in their NFL careers, they won’t all have their own slides. Some will share pages and won’t have as much information written on them.
So, let’s get right into it! We’ll start with the worst picks and then work our way up to the best.