The Kansas City Chiefs have several players who fans look at as superheroes. What if they were superheroes? Better yet, what if they were members of the Avengers?
With Avengers: Endgame set to hit theaters on April 26th, it got me thinking about if the Kansas City Chiefs were a part of the Avengers. We view these guys as superheroes, so what if we broke it down and assigned them to an Avenger?
Some of these are obvious choices, but others I had to get creative with. We know that Chiefs players don’t have super powers or anything crazy like that, so I went off of personalities or descriptive titles.
Forewarning, there might be a few minor spoilers regarding these characters’ movies, so if you haven’t seen some of them yet (you’ve had over a decade to watch Iron Man, so come on with that one), then go do that and then come back and check out this post!
Oh, and before we get to the fun, since there aren’t any women on the Chiefs team, I’ll be playing the role of Captain Marvel because she’s awesome and I’d like to think I’m awesome. Cool? Cool.
Let’s get to it! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!