Fantasy Football 2017: Start Em Sit Em for Week 1

player. 51. . Defense/ST. Rams. Rams Defense S/T. 5
Woooo! Two Rams already making appearances for the “Start ‘Em” section! That’s how bad the Indianapolis Colts are though. Did I mention that Andrew Luck isn’t starting? Because he isn’t.
No, Scott Tolzien will be getting the nod as the Colts’ starter in week one of the regular season, and that makes Los Angeles Rams fans very happy. If Luck were starting, the Rams wouldn’t be my choice here because Luck always puts up a good amount of yardage.
Tolzien isn’t Andrew Luck, and this Rams defense was the only highlight of the team a year ago. They’ll be very excited about facing a backup quarterback who has only thrown two total touchdown passes during his entire NFL career (spanning to 2012).
If you drafted the Rams defense, then congrats. You have the best possible match-up imaginable as far as fantasy defenses go. Feast on Tolzien, Rams defense. We all know you want to.