Five Biggest Rivals- Number Two: Kansas State Wildcats
Ah yes. The classy Kansas State Wildcats. The kind of fans that seem to have an arsenal of profanity for the Jayhawks no matter where they are at. You hear them at Royals games, Chiefs games, on Twitter, and at their very own stadium. It seems like they only know how to say two words: “[Expletive] KU”.
These fan bases truly do hate each other.
While these classy fans seem like they own the world, eh, they really do not. They never seem to find any footing in college basketball. Their coach, Bruce Weber, squeals and cries during the games for better play, but gets absolutely nothing. If a team gets a point guard that goes ahead of Frank Mason in the NBA Draft, that team better contend because Wesley Iwundu was talented and the Wildcats went nowhere with him.
I have heard numerous stories among my friends and family about their visits to Bill Snyder Family Football Stadium. They have been yelled at, had beer cans thrown at them, and been plain disrespected, even when KU was losing by over 20 points. Now I am not saying KU fans do not get rowdy either, but we no longer go back to Manhattan.
With that said, rant and all, there is a reason why Kansas State is at number two. These fan bases truly do hate each other. The court storms at the Octagon of Doom have been frowned upon and even accused of player injuries. The fans at the Phog barrage KSU Basketball to the point where they lose by an unsurmountable amount of points.
Pure hate in its second greatest form.