Kansas City Chiefs: Marcus Peters Takes A Stand
By Ben Almquist
Just Not That Simple
Ultimately, I respect Marcus Peters for his stance and the Kansas City Chiefs for standing behind him. What Peters is doing isn’t easy. He has made himself a target for anger, and he knows it. Peters, like everyone else, has seen what Colin Kaepernick went through. This was not a decision made in ignorance.
Do I think that Marcus Peters could have made a statement in a better way? Absolutely. Ultimately, the biggest statement Peters could make is to walk away from football and get involved. Short of that, he could hold a press conference or even sit out the season. Those actions would have brought more attention to the issues and not the individual.
Do I think Marcus Peters and others are right? Honestly, I don’t know. How can I? I’m not a black man in a country that has a terrible history regarding black people. Conversely, how can I know what a police officer goes through on a daily basis in a dangerous job? My job doesn’t put me in harms way on a regular basis. So what reference do I have to judge those in that position?
I have some context though. I have been a racial minority in a country where it wasn’t good to be a minority. I assure you that Bahrain and Jordan are not ideal locations for white Americans to walk around. I have worked a job where every day presented danger to life and limb. Iraq is not a fun place to earn a paycheck. I have that context, but I still don’t know.