Kansas City Chiefs: Top Ten Players Who Need To Step Up
By Ben Almquist

Kansas City Chiefs Top Ten Players Who Need To Step Up – Number Eight: Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
The Kansas City Chiefs offensive line has been a sore spot for the last couple of seasons. The Chiefs have let some good players leave, and have had a hard time replacing them. One of those replacements is Laurent (Larry) Duvernay-Tardif, who started at right guard for the Chiefs in 2015, but failed to impress with his play on the field.
Tardif has all the tools needed to be a decent NFL lineman. However, he has a long way to go to put it all together. Coming from McGill University in Canada, Tardif had not seen anything even remotely close to NFL talent prior to his rookie season. Now that he’s had time, he has to make it pay off. If he can, he can bring some stability to the Chiefs offensive line.
Next: A Position Change