As fantasy baseball season nears, pitchers who’ve disappointed in recent seasons are out to prove a point. Fantasy owners are set to reap the rewards.
Recently, KC Kingdom put together a list of bounce back position player fantasy baseball sleepers. Now it’s time to look at who’s going to be undervalued from the mound.
Unlike normal sleeper picks who’ve yet to prove anything in their career, these players were at one time very good or even dominate pitchers. Due to injury, poor performance, or mental meltdowns, these pitchers have fallen down the fantasy ranks.
All of these pitchers were selected based on Fantasy Pros ranking based on average draft position (ADP). It looks at each player’s average draft position in five different fantasy baseball platforms and gives each player a rank.
Before we dive into the pitchers who should be on your radar, it’s important to note a couple of things. All of these picks are based on the pitcher hopefully returning to their old form. More often than not in baseball, regression isn’t something that can be combated.
Take caution when drafting these players and don’t put all your eggs in one basket. These players should be quality later round pickups, but don’t jump the gun too early. If someone takes a chance on these players way ahead of schedule, good for them if it pans out. These picks are boom or bust, so it’s best to draft them where they’re projected and no sooner.
That’s enough of my mindless fantasy advice, here are the picks!
Next: Justin Time