
Kansas City Royals: All-Time Worst Defenders

Hosmer misses a ball - Mandatory Credit: Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports
Hosmer misses a ball - Mandatory Credit: Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports /
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KANSAS CITY, MO - APRIL 8: Third baseman Alberto Callaspo
KANSAS CITY, MO – APRIL 8: Third baseman Alberto Callaspo /

Second Base: Alberto Callaspo

Total TZ: -16 over 1,704.2 innings

TZ per 1,500 innings: -14.1

On FanGraphs page describing how to read TZ, it lists -15 as being ‘awful’. For Alberto Callaspo to post a total that low in just over a full season’s worth of play, is pretty special.

Callaspo played for the Kansas City Royals for parts of three seasons from 2008-2010. Like other players on this list, he was known more for his bat than for his glove. He batted .300 or better in both 2008 and 2009 before dropping off a bit during the 2010 season. He was traded that season to the Angels for pitchers Sean O’Sullivan and Will Smith.

There is probably no chance that he would make the team today given how poor his defense was. The Royals are more likely these days to deal with a weak bat, or no bat, if the glove is good (I’m looking at you Omar Infante). They very likely wouldn’t trade his shoddy defense at second base for a .300 average, nor should they.

In 2009, he made 17 errors for the Kansas City Royals and accounted for -16 defensive runs saved. Callaspo has been a super utility player throughout his career having played both infield and outfield positions, but the infield is where he spends most of his time.

While he is a decent defender at third base, and is even decent at shortstop, teams kept trying him out at second base. For his career, he has -29 defensive runs saved. With more than double the time at third base, Callaspo is plus eight in that same department.

He’s yet another Royals to play with John Buck and the list of Royals defenders who all played at the same time continues.

Next: Mark Up That Score Card