Pitcher: Danny Duffy
Fielding Percentage: .879
Pitcher’s don’t have a TZ or UZR rating. So for this selection I went solely with fielding percentage. In this case, it’s a more accurate reflection of how good a defender that pitcher is.
To make this list the pitcher had to have at least 300 innings pitched. Since pitchers don’t play as often as position players, the innings requirement was lowered considerably.
Danny Duffy was the only pitcher for Royals pitchers who have thrown at least 300 innings with a fielding percentage starting with an eight. At the end of the day, he’s just not a good fielder.
Duffy has had 66 chances in his 443.1 innings of work and has made a total of eight errors. That doesn’t seem like a lot but here’s a comparison. In 2015, Alcides Escobar made 13 errors on a total of 647 chances. That’s nearly ten times the chances with a total of five more errors.
Here’s an example of how poor a fielder he is:
Duffy’s problems in his career have always seemed to stem from him applying pressure to himself. When he tries to rush on the mound he overthrows and loses his control. It makes sense that situations like this would lead to errors.
Next: The Terrible 2000s