KC Chiefs: Ten Chiefs Players To Draft In Fantasy Football

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Football season is a wonderful time of the year, isn’t it? Not just for the Sunday fun-fest that is NFL game day and watching the KC Chiefs take the field, but for another reason altogether, fantasy football time.

Most football fanatics, including myself, put on their “GM cap” and try to develop the best team that they possibly can. Some people tend to get a little extreme with this. For example, I was in three different fantasy football leagues. I took second in one, sixth in another, and 10th in the third league.

Now we all know that the Kansas City Chiefs are starting to look like the team to finally knock of the Broncos and win their first AFC West division title for the first time since 2010. Plenty of smart off season moves have left most of us fans feeling optimistic about the upcoming season.

Due to this new-found optimism, I decided to put together a list of the top ten Chiefs players that you should look to have on your fantasy team.

Something I will mention with this list is that the first through fifth ranked players I put in this list are players that most should be eying in their drafts while numbers six through ten are worth either a late-round pick or early free agency (FA) consideration.

As is the case with most lists, I’ll start with number 10 and work my way up to number one.

So, who should you look to have on your fantasy football team this year? Click ahead to find out!