KC Chiefs: The Top Ten Playmakers for 2015

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Mandatory Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports

The KC Chiefs‘ offseason has been quite a wild ride, hasn’t it? Even with all of these changes, there’s still room to improve with the NFL Draft. Remember the Chiefs will have ten picks. They have six from the regular draft order and four compensatory picks.

Once all of the hoop-lah of the NFL Draft winds down it will be time for the Chiefs to focus on what is important: getting the team ready for the next NFL season.

As with any team, there are several key players that can greatly affect the success of the team. Fortunately for us Chiefs fans, there are plenty of quality players on the roster that can get the job done.

Looking over each of the key players that the Chiefs have, I decided to compile a list of the top ten playmakers that the KC Chiefs will have for the 2015-2016 NFL season.

I know that offense usually gets all of the glory in a victory but I did my best to include a fair amount of defensive players as well as offensive players.

This list is ranked in order of how effective the player is to the success of the team. It is certainly open for debate who is the better player, but in terms of the overall team effectiveness I feel that this ranking is accurate.

Feel free to disagree with me if you’d like.

Without further ado, here’s my list of the KC Chiefs’ top ten playmakers of 2015.

Next: Leader Of The Defense