Kansas City Royals: Hatred for St. Louis Cardinals lives on

Now you see, back then, the Kansas City Royals were not a good baseball team. While the Cardinals were the darlings of the league, the Royals provided a perfect example of what NOT to be in Major League Baseball.
During my four years at UCM, the Royals were only good one year, and that was in my final few months leading up to graduation. Other than that 2013 season, the Royals had losing records every season during my college years (and throughout most of my childhood at that).
On the other side of the state, the St. Louis Cardinals were wheeling and dealing. They always made it to the playoffs and even won the World Series in 2011. That was a brutal time for me, considering I was a Royals fan in Warrensburg. I was always mocked when wearing Royals gear around and even was asked one time why I didn’t want to root for a “real” baseball team who knew how to win.
Those words hurt me deeply, but I persevered because I knew one day, it’d be worth it. One day I’d be able to laugh in those Cardinals fans’ faces and it’d all be worth the years of heckling. I didn’t know that that day would come sooner than expected.